The World's and Indian Dams, Worldwide Earthquakes and The Myanmar Cyclone of 3rd May 2008
© 2013 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
This 22000 death toll has been upped to 100000 on 7 May 2008 similar to they way it went all up to 285000 for Tsunami Dec 2004. The important point is that the public and the policy makers are as static as they can be since the Tsunami 2004 time. But people being what they are help and succour is readily forthcoming from all over as for the Tsunami.
My point regarding leadership lack of awareness is this:
Modern Civilisation is taking refuge in specialists and it is a society of specialists. But as Wendell Berry, the author of the 1975 best seller put it:"In living in this world by his own will and skill,the stupidest peasant or tribesman is more competent than the most intelligent worker or technician or intellectual in a society of specialists"(The Unsettling of America:Culture and Agriculture,Avon,1975,p22). The establishment, including media in modern civilisation are averse to opinion of unorganised citizens or villagers or just people. For example when I wrote to the Science and Tech ministry in my country about my work on Indian dams and how they may be causing worldwide earthquakes, they ignored me. They did not ack my work. Its important because the archimedean lever effect on faults of the surge wave of forces and bending moments unleashed by the weight of all the water masses behind Indian dams at their center of gravity at 23,78.75 in India is, as I have shown, a predominant cause of worldwide earthquakes. And because of the effect of friction on the two sides of the fault sufficient heat may be generated to cause cyclones a la Myanmar! The blog which has been reviewed as a new plausible explanation of the effect of Indian dams is free and the URL is
The companion URL which predicts earthquakes based on this establishment of a cause of worldwide earthquakes is
Unless modern civilisation learns to implement respect for human rights,there is no hope for democracy anywhere.
Some basic data on the Myanmar Man-made Disaster
The distress brunt wrought by the cyclone(120 kmph winds) was borne by the Bogale mangrove swamps on the mouths of the Irrawady at 16.2, 95.5 and situated bang on the Sagaing fault. During the last hydrological year June 2007 to May 2008 as of 5th May (last reading 2 May), the total seismic moment released by 786 earthquakes was equivalent to a 7.7 MM earthquake and the earthquakes occurred in the longitude band 90 to 100 with a mean latitude of 8.3(7.16-9.5) and a mean longitude of 96(95.95-96.32). The mean depth was 40.59(38.13-43). The 26th December 2004 Tsunami earthquake of 9.3 MM magnitude occurred at 3.3,95.98 at a depth of 30 km.
The following Table D08 shows the enormous displacement at the Sagaing fault region in the hydrological year June 2007 to May 2008:
This –16.9 M displacement may be compared with –17.7 m displacement for the 9.3 MM great earthquake at Banda Aceh on 26th December 2004.
The question therefore is : Is it because of this displacement of the Sagaing fault and the heat energy released that a tsunami or a seiche combined with a cyclone occurred on 3rd May 2008? Note that two major earthquakes occurred in rapid succession in February in this longitude band (7.3 and 7.5 MM) and in the same longitude band a major 7.2 MM earthquake occurred as given below:Looking at the Google Earth Nargis Cyclone Path follow up at their fabulous Google map site, a plausible explanation for the Nargis cyclone pointing to the epicenter(31,103) of the 7.9 MM major earthquake at Wenchuan, East Sichuan China is that in the Bay of Bengal in particular and elsewhere in general, earthquakes and conditions for causing cyclones interact, producing a very destructive consequence of dams on the Indian subcontinent.
<" target=_blank>,92.021484&spn=18.980699,40.957031&z=5>
That the 2004 Dec 26 great earthquake of 9.3 MM magnitude did not cause a cyclone but tsunamis and seiches, but the present set of major earthquakes resulted in a positive feedback of earthquakes and cyclone is perhaps because of the very different attributes of the two sets of earthquakes: one in 2004-05 and the other in 2008:
The units of force are (Newtons)x10^19.05 and of the sum of seismic moments of the earthquakes, SSM, (N-m)x10^ 19.05. Thus the values in the table for Force and SSM should be multiplied as indicated. ABS stands for absolute value.
Is this unique? By no means.
Remember the Pokhran
H-bomb underground
explosions of May 1998?
Similar consequence: Cyclone!
After the May 1998 underground hydrogen bomb explosions in Pokhran, in June 1998 a cyclone in the Arabian Sea ripped through Gujarat port Porbandar and wreaked havoc in Jamnagar and the cyclone similarly headed straight for Pokharan via Barmer. The heat my dear Steve created by man! On the 11th of May 1998, 5 underground nuclear explosions were set off and at 1030hrs, presto, we had USGS earthquake data base registering a 5.2 MM earthquake at a depth of 0 km at the location precisely where the bombs were set off: 27.1, 71.8! The 13th May double explosion was probably muffled enough so that it did not register.
But the earthquakes have a pattern regarding magnitudes showing heat production in 1998 in the 60 to 80 longitude band similar to those of the 95 to 120 longitude band earthquakes prior to the 8.1 MM earthquake of 12th May 2008(Mean of the epicenters of the earthquakes in the 95 to 120 longitude band from February 2008 till 2 May 2008 is 35.38,103.3). No wonder the attrition at the faults due to the Archimedean lever effect of the surges of water moments and forces due to the weight of water masses of dams on the Indian subcontinent are causing the cyclones to point straight towards the dominant heat producers! Note that on 12th May 2008, the 8.1MM major earthquake’s epicenter is 31.021,103.367! At a depth of 10 km.The data for the Cyclone 03A-98 is in the following Table PHBTO3AP and is shown graphically in the India Satellite Imagery below.
The Earthquakes and the cyclones are caused persistently by the dams on the Indian Subcontinent harnessing the hydrological cycle.
The next part of the story continues:
Statistical Study -India Dams, Worldwide Earthquakes and Tropical Cyclones
A statistical study of all the earthquakes in the USGS obtainable from 1973 till date under Earthquake Data Base Earthquake Search during the period 1994 to 2008 and of the Tropical Storm Data obtainable from shows that the mean latitudes of the annual earthquakes, the yearly storms and of the center of gravity of the water masses behind India dams are interchangeable for one another: Chi-square probability 0.9955+. Table SQCGWMBID is in two parts as shown below. The first part is the data on earthquakes. The second gives data on the tropical storms and also the derivation of the Chi-square distributions. The physical meaning is that the change in water moment as measured by the daily rainfall exerts a surge wave of forces and bending moments on faults causing earthquakes which produce heat. The heat at the oceans causes the storms to erupt. The direction of the storms is governed by the amount of heat produced by the earthquakes in the various longitude bands. See the mechanism of Nargis cyclone and of the others like FungWong 08 and Nuri 08 as can be seen by a study of the above data and following the tracks of the earthquakes in the various longitude bands as well as of the storms. It is graphically brought out in the following map of the earthquakes and cyclones where the cyclones clearly follow the earthquakes Worldwide.The Sichuan Quake, the Nargis and Fung Wong 08 cyclones:
The following tells the mean story:
The 2007 storm tracks are shown below and we see that the tracks agree with the mean direction .
The Bay of Bengal 1999 super cyclone 5B also pointed towards the major earthquakes in Turkey: 7.6 MM on 17/8/1999 at Ismit and the 7.2 MM quake at Duzce on 11/12/1999:
Thus global warming must include these earthquake heating effects and consequent adverse climatic conditions driven by man’s intervention in the hydrological cycles through the agency of the dams.
Predicting Earthquakes on the basis of the heat wind trail of the cyclones.
The Sichuan May 12 2008 earthquake occurred after the Nargis cyclone of 3rd May 2008 giving a notice of nine days. The Sichuan-Yunnan Border region quake occurred 4 days after the 14W 08 cyclone appeared. An earthquake hot spot developed between 1/8/08 and 25/8/08 at 9.74,126.78. Consequent to this a 5.8 MM earthquake occurred on 25/8/08 at 10.2,125.25 at 49.9 km depth. On 26th August 2008 the 14W storm appeared at 16.4,125.3 pointing straight at 26.277,101.915, the epicenter of the Sichuan-Yunnan Border earthquake of 5.7 MM which occurred on the 30th of August 2008 at 8:30 hrs UTC, followed by another at the same location almost(see Map in Figure SY14WI below). 38 people were killed and hundreds injured and hundreds of thousands were affected and 100000 houses damaged.
Similarly the Nuri-08 cyclone originated with an earthquake on 18/8/2008 in the 120-140 longitude band and pointed towards the 6.7 MM Xizang which occurred earthquake 7 days later:
The Gustav and Hanna cyclones or storms (Gustav has become a hurricane as of 31 August 2008 and the initial paths intersect at a point almost the same as that of the New Madrid Great Earthquakes of 1811 and 1812. We may expect that these cyclones are a pointer of the earthquake to occur in the longitude band –100 to –80 in September 2008 during the coming days:
In the Figure HGCONGNMEQ, it can be seen that the paths at initiation of the storms Gustav and Hanna in 2008 converge to the hot spot 39.85, -89.39 near the epicenter of the New Madrid Great Earthquakes at 36.6,-89.6 of 1811 and 1812. As given in the Table accompanying the Figure, a hot spot occurred at –5.8,-68.7 in the longitude band –80 to –60 at the mean of the epicenters of the earthquakes (during 1607 to 31808) and this was accompanied by a strong earthquake on 26/8/08 as shown in Northern Peru. At hot spot as measured by the mean location of the quakes for latitude >= 16.88, namely 19.75,-66.27 conditions developed for a storm and Hanna occurred at 19.8,-57.9 at 9 hrs on 28/8/2008. This pointed at its initiation point towards the hot spot 39.85,-89.39 near the epicenter of the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811 and 1812 at 36.6,-89.6. From the behaviour of the storms described previously, we can expect an earthquake in the neighbourhood of the New Madrid Earthquakes. This is corroborated by the earthquake activity during 1/6/07 to 31/8/08 as can be seen from the following Table: The last line in this table are the mean values for the 88 earthquakes shown.
Table MadridCluster: The following cluster of earthquakes heated up the fault line in the longitude band –100 to –80 for Latitudes greater than or equal to 19.23.
This may occur in the coming days in September 2008.
9th March 2009
February 2009 saw a number of floods and forest fires and these correlated deterministically with worldwide earthquakes in the manner as shown by the following Table QBEF:
That the World’s dams are a major cause of worldwide earthquakes can be seen deterministically in
Also the evidence of connections between earthquakes, cyclones, floods, forest fires and Australian bush fires presented above in this article as well as the Figure DEC 65 shown below from the above article are unequivocal proof of the deterministic relation between them and dams. This confirms also the conclusions reached in that Indian dams are also causing worldwide earthquakes.
The data for the centroids of the floods are from UN Disaster Monitoring Centre. The Bush Fire coordinates have been assumed to be Latitude and Longitude of South Gippsland,Australia. The Centroids of Forest Fires of Bandipur and Nagarhole National Parks have been assumed to be that of these National Parks.
Data for Figure DEC65 has been derived from the following Sources:
1.USGS earthquake search for significant earthquakes -2150 to 2007
2. Data on Dams of the World, Capacity MM3 and year of commissioning from
Impact of Artificial Reservoir Water Impoundment on Global Sea Level
B. F. Chao,* Y. H. Wu, Y. S. Li
Published 13 March 2008 on Science Express
DOI: 10.1126/science.1154580
3. The Electrical Load Curve is a typical load curve anywhere in the World.
The solution: Design around Dams. Have forests with their giant pumping action with their automatic atmospheric distribution network. They are infinitely superior to dams. Read the URL: